No made Land «Les vanités»

Jean Michel Caillebotte / Compagnie Star Pilot

Fr 14.04.23 | 6:00 PM
Fr 14.04.23 | 8:30 PM
Duration: 30 minutes


* There will be no chairs for the audience at this show.


Cardboard objects that build up a picture (and speak to you about life and death).


/ Vanitas / Consumerism / Life / Death / Cardboard


No made Land “Les Vanités” is a living, monochromatic installation made entirely of cardboard. A composition of objects that act as symbols and create an allegorical representation of the fragility of human life. This is a show that connects us with 17th-century painting and the theme of vanitas paintings.
No made Land “Les Vanités” is a painting that is composed live, with order and meticulousness, not lacking in a touch of humour. A display of contemporary vanitas that will make us reflect on our own existence and on the ephemeral and illusory nature of life.


Jean-Michel Caillebotte is a sculptor, set designer, artist, graphic designer and a lover of the poetry of movement. His artistic interests have led him to explore a wide variety of fields. He has worked with puppeteers, urban planners and architects, and has exhibited monumental works at the Musée des Champs Libres (Rennes) and La Villette (Paris). In 2016, he collaborated with the Belgian artist Hans Op de Beek in the creation of The Garden of Whispers. He has also worked on the creation of giants for Jean-Luc Courcoult, director of the Royal de Luxe company, and has collaborated with Le PHUN, the Toulouse company that initiated him into the world of live arts.


Idea and direction: Jean-Michel Caillebotte and Sylvain Cousin / Set design: Jean-Michel Caillebotte / Construction: Jean-Michel Caillebotte, Delphine Lancelle, Alain Verdier and Paul Perez / Electro-plastic construction: Paul Perez / Faux départ / Sound creation: Emilie Mousset and François Boutibou / Performers: Jean-Michel Caillebotte, Ricardo Gaiser and Delphine LancelleCoordination: Sandrine Boisson


Coproduced by:: Pronomade(s) en Haute-Garonne – CNAREP (Centre National d’Art de Rue en Espace Public), L’Usine, La Verrerie (Pôle National Cirque Occitanie) / Supported by: DGCA, DRAC Occitanie, La région Occitanie

6 €
6 €