Efecto Siam is a contemporary dance show inspired by the story of Chang and Eng Bunker, two Siamese twins born with conjoined bodies who rose to fame in the 19th century. A piece that seeks to explore the nature of the physical union between two people in a silent debate, a choreographic story focusing on the dependence of two human beings who came into the world in the very same skin. Efecto Siam is a poetic and enjoyable piece, which proves hypnotic at times. A sprinkling of beauty on what could have been monstrous.
Colectivo Sin Par emerged in 2019 as a result of the collaboration between the dancers and choreographers Lara Misó and Wilma Puentes. Their primary motivation is to create dance, to exchange and share different perspectives on movement and to produce work together. They wish to convey their way of understanding dance and communicate using movement with its own personality. Some of the pieces in their repertoire include No es amor (2022), a piece inspired by the work of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, and Efecto Siam (2019).
Choreography and performers: Lara Misó and Wilma Puentes / Original music: Marco Colocci